A Parade of Fearsome Fairy Tale Fashion on Halloween
We all grew up being told that all fairy tale characters lived happily ever after. However, before the stories ended, we knew that our princesses and heroines had a difficult life, thanks to villains who are almost like the devil personified. As the stories conclude, the creepy and gory creatures disappear to give way to a happy ending.
Come Halloween, the mysterious and spooky beings return to the scene to claim their role in scaring people away. On this ghoulish night, they mingle with your well-loved fairy tale personalities. Nevertheless, this time both can be frightening if given extreme Halloween makeover. So if you want to join the macabre league, visit http://www.partiesonline.com to find different types of masks as well as chilling costumes to become the scary star of Halloween fright night.
- Alice in Horrorland: Forget about being the nice Alice in Wonderland. Get into
that blue and white Alice dress with a frilly corset. Cut the hem into uneven edges so you’ll look like you’ve been crawling through small openings. Use blood spray all over the dress to make it appear you had some horrifying encounters in the enchanted forest. Create a more menacing look by carrying a dark giant knife with splatters of blood as well.
- Evil Queen of Hearts: Be the perfect companion for Alice in your Queen of Hearts costume. Wear a long red cape to hide the cat of nine tails whip that you plan to use on people who will refuse to give in to your whims.
- Little Red Riding Boo: You can stop being that sweet little girl lost in the forest. Get fierce in Little Red Riding Hood Cape and start fighting not only the big bad wolf but also others who will not be friendly during the party. Look naughty with a black Bambi wig to let everyone know that Little Red is not Granny’s little girl anymore.
- Little Merry Mad: Show them what’s under the sea when you reveal what’s under your Mermaid Bodysuit costume – a shimmering set of shell breastplates that can pass you off as a real mermaid out of the waters.
- Zombie Bride: Zombies are depicted as persons who returned from the dead
through voodoo powers. Scare everyone as you enter the party venue walking dead in your Zombie Bride fancy dress costume. All the tatters of your grey and black outfit flying all over the place will give people the shivers not to even stand close to you.
- Ghost Bride: It will be easier to create two eyeholes in a white bed sheet and wear it over your head to become a typical ghost. However, even as a ghost, you’d want to scare in style so come to haunt at the party in a Gothic Manor Ghost Bride Costume. Complete the look with a purple Gothic bride wig that will still make you look gorgeous even if you’ve been dead for centuries.
- Seductive Vampire: Be true to the form of a hungry blood-sucking vampire
wearing a set of vampire fangs oozing with blood. Let your friends think you’ve just feasted on human blood as you go around in your fabulous Countess Nocturna costume.
- Wicked Witch: Forget the pointed black hat and skinny legs for witches can be wild and glamorous in black slinky witch costume. Don’t let the night end with a tragic twist. With an eye-catching outfit as yours, you know you possess the power to become the star of the night even if you don’t have any magic potion.
Halloween gives you an excuse to put a new twist to the fairy tale characters you’ve loved since childhood. The nice thing about these costumes is they can still make you look stunning no matter how you try to look evil. You can also pair them off with other accessories to complete the desired look you want to create. At the end of the night, you may find yourself fully immersed in the character you’re portraying. Thankfully, it’s just for a single night.