Creative DIY Outdoor Christmas Decorations
It is that time of the year again to bring out all the Christmas decorations and deck the halls. Nevertheless, make sure to include the exterior of the home to make your house the prettiest in the neighbourhood. Adorn it with outdoor Christmas decorations to turn the neighbours green with wonder, admiration, and envy.
As you embark on your decorating task, you may find that many outdoor Christmas decorations are expensive. There are also items that are difficult to assemble and install. Moreover, when you have managed to set them up successfully, you will find to your dismay that almost every house in the village has the same decorations as yours. So instead of buying these expensive and widely used items, take the do-it-yourself route and surprise the neighbours with your creative and unique ideas.
- Tree Toppers Masterpiece: Take advantage of some verdant trees in your yard and transform them to live Christmas trees. Cut out stars of different sizes using sturdy cardboard then cover them with gift wrappers. You may even use old wrappers for little stars. Scatter glitters all over the wrapped stars and see how they sparkle day and night. If you are in an area with more chances of rain or snow, wrap the stars in aluminium foil to make them waterproofed. Apart from the ordinary kitchen foil, you may also use foils of different colours that you can buy from art and craft supply stores. Of course, you can use other shapes aside from stars. Think of more Christmas images such as bells, doves, reindeers, and gifts to hang in your outdoor Christmas tree.
- Generous Gifts: Create medium and large-size boxes using cardboards of ordinary household products. Wrap them in vinyl sheets or spray with different glossy paints. Make sure they are completely dry before tying large ribbons around or gluing pretty
candy bows on each of them. Set them on the porch or underneath the outdoor Christmas tree to bring in that authentic festive atmosphere.
- Candy Wonderland: Transform the front yard into a child’s fantasyland by placing an assortment of model candy canes. You may purchase pre-cut wooden candy canes in craft stores or create a template to cut out your own candy cane or candy Christmas trees from wood. This can be an activity for the whole family. Have fun designing the wooden candy canes using different colours and ornaments. You can line them up along the pathway, fence, or scatter them individually or in cluster across the yard.
- Christmas Sled: Bring your old wooden sled back to life this Christmas. Line the top with a pine bough tied with gold wire. Attach pinecones along then place a wide ribbon in the centre of the bough. Lean the sled in the porch, against a tree, or by the gate to show neighbours you are ready to go when Santa comes on Christmas Eve.
- Environment-Friendly Snowman: You can put your collection of plastic grocery bags to a good use by creating a synthetic snowman out of them. Fill three different sizes of large plastic bags with all the other bags until three compacted balls of plastic are formed. Arrange the three balls to form the head, body, and bottom part of the
Snowman. Use Christmas balls for the eyes, nose, and mouth. To set it up, prop up a pole then insert the three bags on top of each other to assemble the Snowman. You may also hang the three sections together from a tree.
When decorating the house for Christmas, the outside must not be left out dull and dreary. You will find that there are many outdoor Christmas decorations to transform the yard as festive as the interior of the house. There is more than just hanging the usual multi-coloured lights or setting up a lantern. It only takes a few tweaks of imagination to liven up an area that usually gives the first impression to any house.