Free All Time Favourite Party Recipes!

As a mother who has prepared many party recipes, there are some party foods that are all time favourites. Recipes that have been used by Australian families for generations. I am sure all the mums and grandmothers out there will remember preparing or eating the delicious party foods such as chocolate crackles, toffees, pikelets and toffee apples. We would love to share some of our favourites with you, if you have any favourites of your own, please email them to us and we will put them online attributed to you.

Red Toffee Apples


  • 15 red eating apples
  • 4 cups white sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon white vinegar
  • Wooden skewer sticks or paddle pop sticks
  • 1 teaspoon red food colouring

Lightly grease a baking tray. Wash and dry the apples and insert chop sticks, thick wooden skewers or paddle pop sticks into each apple.

Combine sugar, vinegar and water in a small heavy based pot. Bring to the boil and stir in the food colouring. Heat to 150 degrees C or simmer for about 20 minutes or until a small amount of syrup dropped into cold water reaches crack stage – it should set hard and be hard to crack with fingers.

Remove the pot from the heat and stand in a baking dish of water until the mixture stops bubbling. When the mixture has stopped boiling, hold an apple by its stick, dip into the syrup, tilt the pan (and the apple) till the whole apple is covered. Rotate the apple and let it drain a little then place on baking tray to harden.

Repeat with remaining apples.



  • 1 cup (220g) Caster sugar
  • 10g Butter
  • 2 tbsp Boiling water
  • 2 tbsp Vinegar
  • Decorations of your choice

Stir sugar, butter, water and vinegar in a small saucepan over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil. Boil, without stirring, about 10-15 minutes or until a spoonful of the mixture crackles when dropped in cold water. It is imperative that the mixture is not stirred.

Pour into paper baking cases and decorate with sprinkle with 100’s and 1000’s, colourful icing ball decorations or anything of your choice and then leave to set.

Alternative style – For a chewier toffee (we called them lock jaw), cook the toffee mixture for a shorter time (until toffee forms a soft ball when dropped into cold water).

Fairy Bread


  • Fresh white sliced bread
  • Hundreds and thousands

Simply butter the slices and bread and sprinkle the colurful hundreds and thousands over the slices. Trim the crusts from each slice and cut into quarters.

Chocolate Crackles



  • 4 Cups Rice bubbles
  • 1 Cup icing sugar
  • 1 Cup dessicated coconut
  • 5 Tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 250gm Copha
  • Paper patty pans

Melt copha in a small saucepan. Combine all dry ingredients in a medium sized bowl. Mix melted copha into dry ingredients and stir.

Spoon mixture in patty pans. Refrigerate until set.

Jelly Oranges


  • 1 Pack of jelly crystals – your choice of flavour
  • 6 Oranges

Make a jelly as per instructions on the pack. Cut oranges into halves and scoop out flesh. Place orange skins into holes on a muffin tin for stability. Pour jelly mixture into the empty orange skins.

Refrigerate until set. Cut into slices that are bit size for children.



  • 1 cup (150g) self-raising flour
  • 1 tbs caster sugar
  • 3/4 cup (185ml) milk
  • 1 egg
  • Melted butter, to brush, plus extra knobs to serve

Sift flour and sugar together into a bowl with a pinch of salt. Whisk milk and egg together, then add to dry ingredients, mixing to a creamy consistency.

Heat a non-stick frypan over medium heat and brush with a little melted butter. Drop level tablespoonfuls of the mixture into the pan and cook or until bubbles appear on the surface of the mixture. Turn the pikelet and cook other side until golden.

Pikelets can be eaten warm and are delicious that way or allow to cool the butter them and serve with optional jam and cream.

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