Keep the Element of Mystery Alive with a Masquerade Party

image001When you were a kid, you loved to hide behind masks and played dress up to pretend you’re a bride, a nun, or a tattered ghoul fresh from the underworld. Now that you’re an adult, you can still inject the same element of mystery by hosting a masquerade ball. When your guests become puzzled and begin to ask, “Who is the woman wearing that hot pink sequinned and feathered mask?” you know your party is a roaring success.

Masquerade balls have a long history that dates back during the Renaissance period. Today, they are a fun twist to any birthday, prom night, corporate anniversary, and other social events. They lend a lively atmosphere that allows guests to be as creative in wearing costumes and masks. Masquerade parties are entertaining, and people sometimes say or do revealing things that are otherwise kept secret. Before you exploit this human nature, make sure to explore online party supply shop and discover a wide range of masquerade masks, ranging from simple to elaborate, to fit the opulence of the affair.

Here are some popular themes to use as masquerade ball concept.

  • Color Themes: Using color to dress up an event is a common image004approach applied even by professional party planners. If you want the classic black and white combination, get inspiration from blockbuster movies like Phantom of the Opera, The Godfather, or The Black Swan to come up with costume ideas. If the guests are lukewarm about coming in full costume regalia, encourage them to wear black, coffee and gold venetian-style masks or Inca white feathered masks. Other color themes such as red, green, and yellow are perfect to work with around holidays and special occasions.
  • Mardi Gras or Carnival Theme: Masquerade parties can be held any image005time of the year, but they are more commonly thrown during the Mardi Gras. People can wear bling and jewellery to match the glitzy silver jewelled masks that can disguise guests and give them enough courage to swing with cool jazz music playing in the background. Although these masks hide much of the face, they still allow the wearer to enjoy munching on the king cake and shrimp Creole.
  • Vampire Gathering or Night of the Dead Ball: Vampires and ghosts image007also love to party. Even if it’s not Halloween, you can pay homage to your favorite fanged creatures and crypt dwellers with a ball to both scare and entertain. Review the Twilight Saga for a modern take on how to look as a hot bloodsucker in full face white mask or come as Dracula himself wearing red devil mask with gold horns.
  • Venetian Masked Ball: Masquerade balls originated in Venice, and much of the flashy costumes, ornaments, and masks are based on image009those Venetian festivities. Having a Venetian theme requires a great space for it involves lots of dancing on the floor. The element of mystery is very much in Venetian balls because even untitled commoners in the guise of masks could hobnob with the nobles. You can appear as opulent as aristocrats in the period balls depicted in Romeo and Juliet, The Masque of the Red Death, and Casanova, especially if you wear a fantasy Venetian style full mask that is guaranteed to make you the star of the night.

Decorate for the Party. Masquerade parties are essentially about the costume and masks so avoid using too much decoration that can steal attention. If you’re using a color theme, repeat the motif in some party elements to harmonize the details. Continue the mask idea to decorate the area by hanging them from the ceiling, mounting on the wall, and building them to a stack to create an amazing centerpiece. It’s also a convenient solution for guests who arrive without a mask so they can hide their blushing faces.

Play the right music. Playing authentic music contributes in creating the right ambience. Choose appropriate music that can give life to the specific decade or musical style of the party theme, whether to be image011played as soft background tune or as booming accompaniment to the blithe dancing.

Create the right mood. Use the right lighting fixtures to create illusion. Hanging Chinese lanterns or placing candles and luminere in strategic spots can provide beam of lights to shine and keep things more dramatic, romantic, and theatric.

Serve simple food and drinks. Choosing the menu for masquerade parties can be tricky because it is not always easy to eat with a mask on. Help the guests out by serving small canapés and other savory dishes that fit the theme. A smart idea is to set up food stations with colored bowls filled with upscale ingredients to whip up pasta or crepes. Complement the menu with a festive punch with color that reflects the party theme.

Keep guests entertained. Hiring a live band to provide musical entertainment is always a good idea to encourage people to stay on the dance floor. Those who prefer to remain seated can play some card games. You can also host a silent auction and ask some guests as volunteer to be auctioned off for a single dance.

These ideas can help you host a wonderful masquerade party and provide an opportunity for guests to display a different persona just for a night. The real fun is in shedding off the element of mystery when people remove the masks to reveal their identities finally. Who is better off with or without a mask on?

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