Emails and order confirmation FAQ

Where can I find my Receipt/Tax Invoice?

Click on your Account Orders - You can view and print your Tax Invoice.

Please note that receipts are not shipped with orders.

I didn’t receive my order confirmation?

An email is sent to your registered address when you successfully place your order.

The subject line will be "Your PartiesOnline Order - " and the order number

If you registered with an email account such as, or
Please remember to check your Junk folder for our email notifications or add to your list of contacts.

I checked my Junk folder but there is nothing there?

Add to your list of contacts in order to whitelist our address.

Click on your Account Orders - You can view details of the order.

If you do not know your PartiesOnline password you can Recover Your Password

Some emails do not arrive instantly. Please wait up to 30 minutes for emails to arrive before trying again.

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