Superhero Party Ideas
It is essential that when planning a superhero party you know everything about your particular character. Try and also make some elements personal and sending invitation portraying a battle of good versus evil can help create a better atmosphere. Some heroes have an alter ego so they will naturally be expected to come along too. Making sure that people understand the theme is very important.
Many heroes have their own city or country that they are associated with so incorporating this into the decorations may be a good starting point. This could include food as well such as in the cases of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and their love of pizza. Also, getting hold of posters is easier than you think with lots of party stores having things of this ilk available and the same thing could be said of vinyl table covers.
Although not every superhero they will have colours so red foods or foods made with natural food colourings could be used. Remember to try and avoid artificial colouring as the children are likely to be excited to begin with! The containers that the food is served in can also be decorated to fit with the theme.
Personalise the party
This is something that is becoming increasingly popular are kids parties. Using the word ‘Super’ in front of their name will help to make them feel extra special. Again, a quality party shop will be able to assist you on this score although handwritten name cards, as long as they are personalised, show that you have given the part that extra thought. Superhero logos should be used name cards, drinks containers and so on to me things seem that little bit more real.
Any great party needs to have some games and activities organised. The prizes for the games could continue with the theme whilst the same time, the games don’t need to be too complicated. Obviously, you want the games to be on a similar theme to the party so trivia quizzes, capes made from vinyl table cloths will really help to spark the children’s interest. Glow in the dark items will help you organise a game of hide and seek – a popular kiddies game!
Bouncy castles and clowns are fun but have little relevance for a superhero party. You could ask other parents to join and be an arch nemesis or arrange a fake kidnap. Obviously, superheroes need save the day so perhaps someone could lay to damsel in distress? Allowing children to have photos taken with their friends and foes will also go down very well.
Party favours will definitely be required and every child should have a party bag to take home with them. Here are some of our suggested party favours:
- Logo-inspired candies, or logo coloured candies in a baggie are always a hit.
- A medal of honour for such heroic actions during the party will be a big bragging point.
- A superhero specific item like black liquorice bats/bat cookies for Batman, silly string for Spiderman, rock candy or Pop Rock candy kryptonite for Superman, and neon green marshmallows for the Hulk are all fantastic candy-inspired items that put a party over the top.
- Finish it off with a comic book for kids to take home, and your party will go down a super-success!