Kid’s Party Tips
Children’s parties especially birthday parties are what golden memories are made of. Wonderful images of party decorations and party food and all the fun will stay in your child’s memory forever. As parents we all do our utmost to make sure our kids birthday parties are special for them and I am sure you remember some of your own childhood parties. You will finds some tips here that have been passed on from our own experiences and feed back from our customers over 20 years.
The Plan
Planning and preparation are the key to a successful kids party, and the kids love to get in on the planning. Let them help choosing the theme and it is so exciting for them to be involved in the packing of the loot or lolly bag for their friends to take home. One – two hours for pre-school or toddler parties is ample time and 2 – 3 hours for older children. Make the party manageable. If you have to invite the whole class then it is probably best to choose an outdoor area from parks to your own back yard, unless you have a huge covered area at home, but always let the parents know that if the weather is inclement you may have to change the date or move the party- have a plan B in mind. Plan games and activities estimating the duration time of each one so that your timing is as close to perfect as possible and you are not left with an hour of time to amuse 15 five year olds. Use simple foods that kids love such as small sausages and frankfurters, sausage rolls and fairy bread with the crusts cut off. Always serve the savory food first otherwise they will all reach for the sweeties straight away.
Save Dollars And Keep Them Busy
Having your party at a play centre or a special children’s party venue can be costly, but if you have an area at home or a local park you can have just as much fun if not more with a little planning. Simple games such as running races where everyone one gets a winners medal especially the wacky relay race where they compete as teams. The old fashion egg and spoon race and pass the orange from one child to another from under their chin is an old time favourite. Treasure hunts are a fantastic time passer and so much fun. Make sure you have 1 party favour hidden for each child and let them know that the fairies have hidden the presents knowing how many children are coming – so there is one each. Give them a bag to carry and lead them in a team to find the hidden loot.
Pass the parcel is another all time favourite party game for kids and pin the tail on the donkey or unicorn or whatever is your choice will be a winner. Musical chairs in another fun game kids love and of course pinatas are be coming more popular and their are pull pinatas available that do not have to be broken by hitting.Dancing competitions are also a fun way to entertain your young party goers and they will love it.By using these simple games you will find the time is filled with healthy activities that won’t cost many dollars to facilitate at all. If your party is themed, choose some of the partyware ) which is always going to be more expensive ),and combine some plain coloured party products and balloons in colours relevant to the them such as Batman party plates and plain blue napkins or Fairy napkins and balloons and plain pink table covers. Buying online will usually also save you some dollars as retail prices online tend to be very competitive.
Themed Kids Parties
Themed parties are easier to plan because there are so many different themes available and so many products and a decorations. You will find many different choices on our website from Batman to dinosaurs, Fairies to Hippie parties. Combine banners, banners and party poppers to theme products to create lots of colour and excitement. You could even hold a party with the first letter of your child’s name such as a P party for Peter and ask every child to wear something staring with P. Kids love to dress up and combining a theme with a dress up feature such as fairies or jungle animals will add lots of party fun when each child sees what the other is wearing.
Party Food
Our best tip here is as stated before – keep it simple. Go back to your own childhood with chocolate crackles, fairy bread and sausage rolls. The kids will also love help make some of these items beforehand and knowing what is coming will be even more exciting. A memory from our birthday parties as kids was orange jellies. Simply cut the oranges in half and scoop our the orange (cut it up for the kids) and then make a jelly of any flavour. Pour into the half oranges and let them set. You can then slice them into quarters and the kids will love them. Sneak in some healthy food too such as vegetable sticks, watermelon and dried fruits.
Anyone who has held a sleepover will agree that they can be a dream or a challenge, especially for children under 8 years old. The last thing you want is tears at midnight and ‘can I please go home’. So if you are having a sleepover it is probably best to keep the numbers small keep in touch with your guests parents being very specific about your sleepover rules and times and ask the parents to co-operate by explaining your sleepover rules before hand. Pre-teen sleepovers seem to be the choice of the today and groups by this age are usually smaller and more easily managed. Older children may love to camp in the backyard in tents which can be lots of fun in the milder weather and incorporating perhaps a trip to the movies will also take the pressure off and the kids always love the movies.
The Most Important Thing
The most important thing to do is for your and your child to have the best time planning and holding this party. Sometimes it will not be easy to agree (especially when children are older), but start early with your planning so you take the stress off yourself. Rope in as many family members and friends as you can to make sure the party goes smoothly. Make sure you and your child gets a good night sleep the night before the party day, and have a fantastic party.
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