Party Planning Tips Straight from the Pros’ Mouth
Planning a party is always accompanied by stress and anxiety. Just putting everything together can wrought havoc and insanity to any host. However, you can avoid this route by simply following the road traveled by expert party planners. Here’s a countdown of time-tested tips to help you plan the best party minus all meltdown ingredients.
- Tip #10: Create a Master Party List. Pull out a calendar page and mark off each day with activities you need to accomplish and essential things you need to get for the party. Be realistic in creating a schedule using the available time you have. If you’re running hectic, don’t stress out in planning everything from scratch. Instead, go simple with less. The party doesn’t have to be frilly to be fun and stunning.
- Tip #9: Get Help from Family and Friends. There’s no sense in multi-tasking if you can get help from some people. Call in the troops and enlist their free service. Ask the spouse to hang the decors while the children remove the clutter from the party area. Assign your best friend to print and send out the invitation, while others help you in preparing the food and drinks. While they may not be as perfect as the professionals may be, you can always cover up and polish their tracks according to your standard.
- Tip #8: Choose a Theme. Having a theme will help you harmonize all the party elements. It serves as an inspiration to build ideas for food, drinks, decors, and activities. Any theme you pick is a great way to scale the party a notch higher, make it more fun, and give your guests an experience so unlike other parties. Don’t get intimidated when it comes to choosing a theme. Be a real pro by sourcing your complete range of party decorations and accessories from an online shop that also provides many fun ideas for any occasion or event.
- Tip #7: Know your Limitations. Don’t stress yourself beyond what you can manage and afford for the party. You know your comfort zone. If you know your place is not that big, don’t invite too many guests. If your kitchen skill is designed for only a few, hire a caterer that you can afford. Don’t think that being a good host means you have to do everything even if it exceeds your means.
- Tip #6: Be ready with an Alternative. There are things that don’t always turn
out as expected, so don’t get caught without an alternative. Plan how you will serve the food and drinks. If your budget can’t afford a catering service, set the buffet table to allow your guests to pig out without being obvious. Make an impression by wrapping the food counter with colored table covers and making the atmosphere more festive with festoon of table scatters that match the theme. Make an inventory of your dinnerware to make sure there’s enough for everyone. Nevertheless, have a standby supply of disposable table ware in vibrant colors to pinch in. No one will mind at all, especially if you’re offering an amazing buffet selection.
Tip #5: Stock up the Bar. A party with a full bar is always a hit because people love cocktails. Set up a self-serve bar to allow guests to concoct their own specialty drinks. Set up with silver champagne glass or cocktail martini glass and many drink and food accessories for your guests to drink in style.
- Tip #4: Look after the Welfare of your Guests. Guests come to your party
to be entertained. It’s unfortunate to spoil their fun if you can’t provide for their basic protection, like shade from the sun during an outdoor party or adequate lighting on a night bash. Install big parasols to shield everyone from too much heat and sunlight. For a sunset event, string colorful Chinese lanterns across the area not only to prevent guests from falling over, but also to give out soft, romantic overhead light.
- Tip #3: Be courteous to your Neighbors. Inform your neighbors beforehand that you’re hosting a party that may bother them. Part of the trick is to invite them as well so they will not mind if guests use the front street as parking space.
- Tip #2: Remember Minor Details. Make a final rundown of your master list to
see what you’ve possibly missed. Are there hand towels and scented tea lights in the bathroom? Are the welcome drinks chilled enough? Guests are more likely to notice and remember the minor details you’ve thoughtfully planned.
- Tip #1: Have Fun. Give yourself time to freshen up an hour before the party starts. Dress up to look great as if you’ve not been through a lot. Make guests feel that you’re all prepped up to welcome them. Enjoy the fruits of your labor, but don’t forget the people who helped all along.
At the end of the party, let your guests thank and praise you for the fabulous shindig you planned and hosted as if you’re a real pro.