Easter Parties and Celebrations: How to Throw the Best Party for Easter
Easter parties are nothing less but great time and fun memories for the family, especially if you are a kid. Easter party celebrations for adults offer a different story but provide that same amount of fun and entertainment as well. Easter Day is just like Christmas day for most kids. They wake up with Easter baskets filled with goodies that were delivered by the Easter Bunny while they slept at night. The day would be a busy one as well because kids would be running around hunting for eggs around the neighborhood.
Easter is indeed a big party we should not miss. To host the best Easter Sunday celebration in your neighbourhood this spring, you might want to consider the following activities and tips.
This activity is both for the kids and for the adults. Kids can enjoy painting and drawing on their Easter eggs while adults can take their Easter egg decorating activity into a new level. Make it a competition among friends and families. Pour your creativity and keen attention to detail by creating the best Easter egg design you can brag with the rest of your family and friends.
Eat All the Candy
Easter Holiday would be incomplete without candies. Be sure to have enough candies and chocolates for the kids to enjoy and share. Adults, on the other hand, can create a Jelly Bean cocktail to offer something unique yet “candy-licious” for everyone.
Easter Egg Hunts
Kids are looking forward to hunt Easter eggs the whole day. Make the adventure even fun by bringing it to the outdoors together with the rest of the community. Coordinate with your neighbours to be able to provide a fun and safe Easter egg hunting experience for all the children and child-at-heart in the neighborhood.
Drinking Game for Adults
Adults can participate in the Easter egg hunt too but with a new kind of twist. For every pink egg that they find, they will be required to drink. Every time your friends steal your eggs and manage to hide them again, you end up drinking as well. However, be sure to drink something mild for this game to be able to stay sober to enjoy the rest of the celebration.
Cook Outdoors
Since your Easter Egg hunt adventure will be mostly set outdoors, it would be ideal to cook and dine outdoors as well. You can bring pre-packed lunch and enjoy a picnic on the park or set up a grill outdoors and have barbeque with the rest of your neighbours.
You can practically do a lot of things to enjoy the Easter Holiday outdoors, together with your community or your family and friends.