Office Party on a Budget? We’ve Got You Covered!
Whether your company is in a tough financial crisis or you’re a small company just starting up, there’s no reason for you not to enjoy an office party once in a while. Even with a tight budget, you can still throw a party that everyone could enjoy. Here’s how to get the job done.
Use What You’ve Already Got
Oftentimes, office parties are held at bars, restaurants, and spaces other than the office. It just doesn’t make sense, though, and can be a bit expensive. Since you already have your own office space, there’s no point not using it. It will save you big time than if you go out and rent a space. Even a small office space can be transformed and turned into a great party place. All you have to do is use your creativity and look at how you can maximise the place you already have.
Think Of Activities That Will Stack The Odds In Your Favour
Instead of planning activities the would cost you money, why not think of ones that would help you save? For instance, you can throw a lunchtime potluck party instead of an extravagant one. You’ll be able to save on food and get your employees showcase their cooking skills at the same time. You can also give a prize to the best dish to motivate everyone. Another inexpensive way to throw a party is by doing an Office Movie Day. This is a nice way to reward hardworking employees. You can call the movie house in advance and see if you can work a group price. Take the entire staff to a movie and have some lunch afterwards.
If you choose to have the party at the office and want to have a change of scenery by decorating the place, you may do so without splurging. One way to do it is again by using what you already have. There may possibly be a lot of stuff sitting around your house or office that you could use in beautifying the venue. Everyday items such as light bulbs, votive candles, figurines, and even old holiday decors can be used to add a party atmosphere to your office.
Take Advantage of Your Smartphone Music App
Music can really do a lot in terms of setting the mood of the party. Since hiring a DJ is out of the question, why not play the role of a DJ yourself with the use of your smartphone? There are a number of phone apps today that allow you to create your own party playlist. Pandora,
Spotify, SoundCloud, and even Google Play Music will allow you to stream music and create playlists tailored by genre or mood.
Be Honest And Ask For Feedback
Finally, be transparent and explain beforehand that your company is conserving finances this year. Inform your staff that you really want to give them the rest and recreation they need, but in a way that would encourage them to get involved and find ways to throw a great party without having to spend much of the company resources. You’ll be surprised at the reaction of your employees if you only open up to them.